The time to find cancer is before it spreads, which usually means before symptoms appear
Cancer causes about half of early deaths in adults. It can occur just about anywhere, because almost every cell type in the body can mutate to reproduce endlessly. There are more than fifty types of cancer, and they can arise in any body organ. Although most cancers are not preventable by any known means, they are more survivable when they’re detected early.
LOOKtoLIVE finds cancer early, adding 3 of 6 prime years to your life.
Most cancers arise by chance
90% of cancers are random events to which we are all susceptible regardless of lifestyle. If you’re a non-smoker, your life choices such as nutrition and fitness have almost nothing to do with your odds of developing cancer.
Cancers happen because of genetic mistakes made as our cells replicate, a process that occasionally produces mistakes that accumulate during life. Collect the wrong set of six or eight key mistakes in the same cell and a cancer is born.
We don’t know exactly where or when a cancer will arise, where that first rogue cell will appear. But the more we know about you, the better we can find it early enough to cure it. Your health status, your family’s medical history, and your personal genetic profile all help to anticipate cancer. And, while casting a broad net, these factors help to focus and prioritize the search.
The LOOKtoLIVE difference is that we want to find every cancer while it’s still curable.
With cancer, you’re healthy one day, and not healthy the next. Once cancer starts, it grows and spreads inexorably until, eventually, symptoms develop. At that point, you have been unknowingly unhealthy for some time.
For almost all cancers there is a window of opportunity for detection and cure, after which it’s too late. How to best find cancer early? Your LOOKtoLIVE Longevity Specialist begins by analyzing you and your family history for hints of susceptibility and checks your genome for inherited cancer risk. That information then guides an ongoing, detailed attempt to find every cancer at an early stage, and to cure it.
LOOKtoLIVE’ s search for cancer is more detailed and more frequent than your regular physical, which typically detects only about one in four curable cancers. It uses a complex set of overlapping technologies to find cancer at the earliest possible moment. LOOKtoLIVE regularly inspects the organs of your body with mostly non-radiation-based imaging techniques, such as ultrasonography and MRI, to find small cancers. It repeatedly measures a set of biochemical cancer markers in your blood to find evidence of cancer before it’s visible. And it can now find cancer with even greater power by using liquid biopsies, which can detect in your blood telltale genetic fragments shed by tumors.
Click to see how we find cancer
Brain Cancer
Primary brain cancer is a relatively uncommon but usually lethal disease. MRI brain imaging readily detects cancer, although early detection does not always result in cure. Brain cancer surveillance does not involve radiation exposure.
Thyroid Cancer
Several types of thyroid cancer lead to growths within the gland that, if not destroyed, eventually spread to other neck organs and to bone. Thyroid cancer is slow growing, allowing an excellent opportunity for diagnosis and cure. The thyroid gland is readily inspected without radiation by ultrasound, and LOOKtoLIVE inspects every 1-2 years.
Esophageal Cancer
Cancer of the esophagus requires early detection for cure. Spread to adjacent organs occurs early, making removal or destruction difficult. Smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, and stomach acid reflux increase the likelihood of esophageal cancer. For individuals at higher risk, LOOKtoLIVE includes periodic inspection by endoscopy (often at the time of colonoscopy). Precancerous cells in the esophagus lead to aggressive acid suppression and frequent surveillance.
Lung Cancer
Lung cancer, the number one cancer killer in America, occurs in smokers and non-smokers. Cancers in non-smokers tend to be located near the periphery of the lungs, more amenable to surgical cure if caught early. Minimum-radiation-dose CT scanning readily detects lung cancer, and is employed by LOOKtoLIVE at a frequency adjusted for risk. Frequent blood-borne cancer marker measurements augment surveillance.
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is very common, affecting more than 1 in 8 women. Inherited genetic abnormalities can greatly increase risk. Surveillance arranged by your physician usually starts at age 40 and includes 3D-mammography, sometimes coupled with ultrasound or MRI imaging. Many LOOKtoLIVE participants choose to undergo genetic testing to further assess risk.
Stomach Cancer
Stomach cancer tends to occur in older adults. It is more likely in individuals with inherited genetic errors, but the most common risk factor is infection with the stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori. H. pylori can cause hyperacidity and ulcers, but is most often silent. More than 20% of Americans are infected with this organism, which is easy to detect and eradicate. LOOKtoLIVE uses regular blood testing to detect infection with H. pylori.
Liver Cancer
Primary liver cancer is one of the commonest cancers worldwide, but is infrequent in Americans unless they have a particular risk factor: liver infection, inflammation, or alcohol abuse. LOOKtoLIVE inspects the liver at regular intervals, using non-radiation ultrasound imaging, and monitors blood cancer markers specific for cancers of the liver.
Lymphoma, Leukemia and Myeloma
Cancers of the blood and immune systems, including lymphoma, leukemia and myeloma, are quite common and can become apparent at multiple sites in the body. LOOKtoLIVE uses sophisticated blood testing and body imaging to find cancers of these organs, including spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow.
Kidney Cancer
Kidney cancer, the fifth leading cause of cancer death in America, is typically incurable once symptoms occur. All are at risk for kidney cancer, which occurs more often in smokers. Fortunately, kidney cancer is easy to spot when small, and is almost often cured at that stage by surgical removal from the kidney. The kidneys are quite easy to inspect without using radiation. LOOKtoLIVE utilizes ultrasound imaging on a regular basis to detect kidney lesions of significance.
Gallbladder Cancer
Cancers of the gallbladder are uncommon but are usually lethal because they are located near critical structures. LOOKtoLIVE keeps an eye on the gallbladder by regular ultrasound imaging and by measuring blood components that indicate a gallbladder abnormality.
Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death in America. It is almost always rapidly fatal unless caught early, because the first symptoms result from invasion of adjacent critical organs. LOOKtoLIVE makes a very aggressive attempt to detect pancreatic cancer while curable, using a combination of frequent ultrasound imaging of the pancreas and specific pancreatic cancer blood marker monitoring.
Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in America, and is almost completely preventable. Some genetic syndromes increase the likelihood of colon cancer, but the vast majority of colon cancers occur in normal individuals. Colon inspection, by colonoscopy or imaging, effectively identifies precancerous lesions that can be removed. Current trends call for colon inspection at ten year intervals, conceding about 10% of cancers that occur in that window. LOOKtoLIVE approach is inspection at five year intervals for those at average risk.
Ovarian and Uterine Cancer
Pelvic cancers, including cancers of the ovaries and uterus, are quite frequent. Ovarian cancer notoriously grows to a significant size before detection, and is often incurable when found. By using a combination of ultrasound imaging and blood cancer marker analysis, LOOKtoLIVE aggressively seeks out ovarian cancer at its earliest stages. Likewise, cancers of the uterus are identified noninvasively by ultrasound, in combination with standard cytologic evaluation and detection of human papillomavirus infection.
Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer is frequent. It occurs more commonly in smokers and in those exposed to solvents and other chemicals. In its early stages, bladder cancer can be cured by removing the cancer, leaving the bladder intact. Once it has spread, though, bladder cancer is very difficult to control. LOOKtoLIVE provides surveillance by imaging the bladder without radiation using ultrasonography, and also by detection of abnormal urine components.
Prostate Cancer
About 80% of men develop prostate cancer though many, particularly later in life, require no intervention. Prostate cancer can be very aggressive, as is common when it occurs before age 60. Those cancers spread locally and to bone, providing a limited window of opportunity for detection while curable. Later-life prostate cancer is typically slower growing and is more amenable to therapy. The Modern Physical employs a three-pronged detection strategy for prostate cancer, including manual prostate examination, prostate imaging without radiation using ultrasonography, and measurement of prostate cancer blood markers, including prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Measurements are made frequently, establishing a baseline from which deviations of significance are readily recognized.
Testicular cancer
Most cases of testicular cancer occur in men under the age of 50. Testicular cancer is often detected by self-examination, and is usually cured when found early. LOOKtoLIVE augments physical examination, where appropriate, with non-radiation ultrasound imaging of the testes and the measurement of testicular cancer-related blood markers.
See how we find cancer

Brain Cancer
Primary brain cancer is a relatively uncommon but usually lethal disease. MRI brain imaging readily detects cancer, although early detection does not always result in cure. Brain cancer surveillance does not involve radiation exposure.
Thyroid Cancer
Several types of thyroid cancer lead to growths within the gland that, if not destroyed, eventually spread to other neck organs and to bone. Thyroid cancer is slow growing, allowing an excellent opportunity for diagnosis and cure. The thyroid gland is readily inspected without radiation by ultrasound, and LOOKtoLIVE inspects every 1-2 years.
Esophageal Cancer
Cancer of the esophagus requires early detection for cure. Spread to adjacent organs occurs early, making removal or destruction difficult. Smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, and stomach acid reflux increase the likelihood of esophageal cancer. For individuals at higher risk, LOOKtoLIVE includes periodic inspection by endoscopy (often at the time of colonoscopy). Precancerous cells in the esophagus lead to aggressive acid suppression and frequent surveillance.
Lung Cancer
Lung cancer, the number one cancer killer in America, occurs in smokers and non-smokers. Cancers in non-smokers tend to be located near the periphery of the lungs, more amenable to surgical cure if caught early. Minimum-radiation-dose CT scanning readily detects lung cancer, and is employed by LOOKtoLIVE at a frequency adjusted for risk. Frequent blood-borne cancer marker measurements augment surveillance.
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is very common, affecting more than 1 in 8 women. Inherited genetic abnormalities can greatly increase risk. Surveillance arranged by your physician usually starts at age 40 and includes 3D-mammography, sometimes coupled with ultrasound or MRI imaging. Many LOOKtoLIVE participants choose to undergo genetic testing to further assess risk.
Stomach Cancer
Stomach cancer tends to occur in older adults. It is more likely in individuals with inherited genetic errors, but the most common risk factor is infection with the stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori. H. pylori can cause hyperacidity and ulcers, but is most often silent. More than 20% of Americans are infected with this organism, which is easy to detect and eradicate. LOOKtoLIVE uses regular blood testing to detect infection with H. pylori.
Liver Cancer
Primary liver cancer is one of the commonest cancers worldwide, but is infrequent in Americans unless they have a particular risk factor: liver infection, inflammation, or alcohol abuse. LOOKtoLIVE inspects the liver at regular intervals, using non-radiation ultrasound imaging, and monitors blood cancer markers specific for cancers of the liver.
Lymphoma, Leukemia and Myeloma
Cancers of the blood and immune systems, including lymphoma, leukemia and myeloma, are quite common and can become apparent at multiple sites in the body. LOOKtoLIVE uses sophisticated blood testing and body imaging to find cancers of these organs, including spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow.
Kidney Cancer
Kidney cancer, the fifth leading cause of cancer death in America, is typically incurable once symptoms occur. All are at risk for kidney cancer, which occurs more often in smokers. Fortunately, kidney cancer is easy to spot when small, and is almost often cured at that stage by surgical removal from the kidney. The kidneys are quite easy to inspect without using radiation. LOOKtoLIVE utilizes ultrasound imaging on a regular basis to detect kidney lesions of significance.
Gallbladder Cancer
Cancers of the gallbladder are uncommon but are usually lethal because they are located near critical structures. LOOKtoLIVE keeps an eye on the gallbladder by regular ultrasound imaging and by measuring blood components that indicate a gallbladder abnormality.
Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death in America. It is almost always rapidly fatal unless caught early, because the first symptoms result from invasion of adjacent critical organs. LOOKtoLIVE makes a very aggressive attempt to detect pancreatic cancer while curable, using a combination of frequent ultrasound imaging of the pancreas and specific pancreatic cancer blood marker monitoring.
Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in America, and is almost completely preventable. Some genetic syndromes increase the likelihood of colon cancer, but the vast majority of colon cancers occur in normal individuals. Colon inspection, by colonoscopy or imaging, effectively identifies precancerous lesions that can be removed. Current trends call for colon inspection at ten year intervals, conceding about 10% of cancers that occur in that window. LOOKtoLIVE approach is inspection at five year intervals for those at average risk.
Ovarian and Uterine Cancer
Pelvic cancers, including cancers of the ovaries and uterus, are quite frequent. Ovarian cancer notoriously grows to a significant size before detection, and is often incurable when found. By using a combination of ultrasound imaging and blood cancer marker analysis, LOOKtoLIVE aggressively seeks out ovarian cancer at its earliest stages. Likewise, cancers of the uterus are identified noninvasively by ultrasound, in combination with standard cytologic evaluation and detection of human papillomavirus infection.
Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer is frequent. It occurs more commonly in smokers and in those exposed to solvents and other chemicals. In its early stages, bladder cancer can be cured by removing the cancer, leaving the bladder intact. Once it has spread, though, bladder cancer is very difficult to control. LOOKtoLIVE provides surveillance by imaging the bladder without radiation using ultrasonography, and also by detection of abnormal urine components.
Prostate Cancer
About 80% of men develop prostate cancer though many, particularly later in life, require no intervention. Prostate cancer can be very aggressive, as is common when it occurs before age 60. Those cancers spread locally and to bone, providing a limited window of opportunity for detection while curable. Later-life prostate cancer is typically slower growing and is more amenable to therapy. The Modern Physical employs a three-pronged detection strategy for prostate cancer, including manual prostate examination, prostate imaging without radiation using ultrasonography, and measurement of prostate cancer blood markers, including prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Measurements are made frequently, establishing a baseline from which deviations of significance are readily recognized.
Testicular cancer
Most cases of testicular cancer occur in men under the age of 50. Testicular cancer is often detected by self-examination, and is usually cured when found early. LOOKtoLIVE augments physical examination, where appropriate, with non-radiation ultrasound imaging of the testes and the measurement of testicular cancer-related blood markers.